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Lifestyle & Wellness

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Pick Your Party with your favorite snacks!

If you’re like my household, we are never without RITZ crackers, OREO & Chips Ahoy! cookies! These classic snacks are not…

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How to Keep the Spark Alive

So you’ve been together for 5-10-20 years, or 15 like us, that’s great! But how do you keep the spark? I’m…

What Thanksgiving Means to Me

Thanksgiving was never one of my favorite holidays when I was younger. It felt like a dress rehearsal for Christmas and…

For Your Party – How we had the perfect party!

Are you a party person? I am! Or at least I thought I was. 🙂 I know I love going to…

Daily Stretching Challenge- 7 moves for flexibility

One of the best kept anti-aging secrets is everyday stretching! What’s hard is making the time to do it, but like…

The #1 Self-Care Tip for Mompreneurs

This blog post is sponsored by VSP Vision Care, the leading provider in vision care and coverage, providing access to care…

10 lessons from owning a business for 10 years

There are so many wonderful lessons that I’ve had the honor of learning during this business journey. I never, ever, ever,…