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My Mama’s Best Advice

My mami, Rosaura, is an enigma and a force to be reckoned with. She ruled our household with both an iron…

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Wednesday Whine with Ana Belaval

You know those women you admire from afar? Then you get to know them a little and they are more amazing…

Power Mama Marisol Sarabia- Advice for New Working Moms

Meet my could be twin, baby sister, Marisol Sarabia. I’ve known her for her entire life obviously 🙂 and have long…

Dear J. Lo & Shakira Half-time Show Haters

When I heard that J. Lo & Shakira were headlining the Super Bowl’s half-time show, I was excited on superficial level.…

Night at the Ballet- PFW Designer Hong Hoa Couture

Going to Paris Fashion Week this fall was a complete “pinch me” moment. Not only because of the shows and designers…

Power Mama Ana Belaval

If you live in Chicago I don’t need to tell you who Power Mama Ana Belaval is! For those of you…