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Why Fashion & Why Dance?

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Since I was about 10 years old I have been obsessed with fashion. Not just the typical “I’d love a new outfit for the first day of school” but a full-fledged collection and stats keeping watch over what was happening on the runways, who was wearing and at what price. I had an impressive, if not scary, collection of all fashion magazines that were primarily sourced from my 2 besties and I was the “librarian” and keeper of them. I had towers upon towers and the Fall editions were our favorites because they had a good chunk devoted to just the runway shots. I could tell you what year, what collection and who the model was on the campaign from a quick glance. It was around this time that I was also increasingly involved in ballet and in my mind, the two arts were so intertwined.  Both involve a certain gravitas, grit and ironically, complete escapism at the same time. I couldn’t verbalize it then, but when I sat watching a live runway show this week with my sister (also a dancer) by my side it hit me. I love it fashion because like dance, it’s a form of self-expression. You can be whatever version of yourself you want.

The designer dreams up this magical garment, as a choreographer dreams up a dance, and by sheer blood, sweat and tears and countless, COUNTLESS hours, it comes together. It inspires by giving the vehicles (dancers, wearers of clothes, you & I) a voice and thereby, power. I love how hard it is. Nearly impossible. I love how it ends up looking inevitable. As if it was destiny that it all ended up before our eyes, looking flawless. Even though it appears superficial, the reason this all exists and why people do it is because it’s deeply rooted in the human desire to express ourselves.

Being a human comes with complicated feelings. For me, having these feelings bottled up is not good! I can be a lazy verbal communicator but when it comes to dancing, dressing up or writing (even if it’s badly :)), I suddenly have a lot to say. One of my favorite choreographers, Dorian Rhea, and I had a conversation a few years ago I will never forget. We were talking about why we think everyone should dance, even if it’s just in our living room. It’s cathartic to let those feelings out and create dances! We agreed that some people never find a way to express themselves and how difficult it might be to feel stuck. I think that’s why my sister and I started MaZi Dance Fitness. WE needed it. We never even imagined that other people might need it, or would want it but 9 years later, we are still there dancing up a storm daily! As I write this, I’m also currently choreographing a piece for our performing group. I almost opted out because choreographing takes a lot out of me and my health has been a little fragile but really I had no choice. I’m doing it! Every time that I get to choreograph on the beautiful dancers, it breathes life into me and my whole life’s purpose comes together.

Likewise with this blog, I needed it too. I will be able to get dressed (hopefully!) a lot longer than I can dance or choreograph. So when the time comes that I have to hang up my shoes, I will always have fashion! If I can encourage you to take a little time to wear that nice dress, even if it’s old, and take a little time for yourself to EXPRESS, then it all comes back full circle! Lots of love, XO, Z

