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The Dancing Mama Coat Guide

The Dancing Mama Coat Guide

Fun fact! I’m from the Southwest, where there is little need for coats and jackets most of the year! El Paso, TX to be precise. Because it was always sweltering, nothing would delight me more than when we had below 40 degree weather (3 months out of the year) and I could wear significant layers! Don’t get me wrong, I love warm weather but when you have 80 + degree weather most of the year, when it cools down it feels rather special! It’s the classic the grass is always greener.  I love coats, jackets and blazers. I love the feeling of looking polished in nice outerwear despite what I may be wearing underneath (sweatpants, likely!). A great outer layer gives me confidence and there’s functional benefits like less of a need to carry a purse, because hello….lots of pockets! 

As luck would have it, I would move to upstate NY for business school, then Minneapolis for a job and I’ve never had to worry about not having enough cold weather since! Now that I live in Chicago and looking for the inverse relationship to 40 degrees…oh the irony, I not only look forward to wearing these coats, I NEED them!  I am notorious (ask my husband, wait, don’t!) for getting too many coats each year. In my defense, I do harvest them by giving them away or selling them on Poshmark.

Anyway, each Fall/Winter I scour the internet, stores and magazines for the latest outerwear and the best deals. Here is my a southern girl’s guide to coats and jackets I either have, want or would wear this season. Stay tuned for the January coat strategy, a whole game all together where you can find steals on investment pieces or take chances on stuff you normally wouldn’t get. Let me know what you think about this selection. Stay warm! XO, Z

The Dancing Mama Coat Guide

The Glam Coat

The Menswear Plaid Coat

The Teddy

The Moto

The Indoor Coat

The London Look Coat

The Lady in Red Coat

 The Fun Coat

The Dancing Mama Coat Guide
The Dancing Mama Coat Guide
Pictures by MirrorFormFoto


    • admin
      January 15, 2019 / 12:52 am

      Thanks so much for visiting! I appreciate the feedback! 🙂

    • admin
      January 15, 2019 / 12:52 am

      Thanks so much! We like similar things I feel like. Love your website. 🙂