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Rockies Rebels Western Boots Review

LimeStone Creek Boots and Short Dandelion Fur in Orange

The Western fashion trend shows no signs of slowing down! The beautiful functional and spirited aethetic is flattering on everyone. The elevated western boots trend is one of the top shoe trends for 2023, as we crave sustainibility, timeless wardrobe staples and a rebellious spirit. I’m exited to share the exquisite craftsmanship of Rockies Rebels boots, a Montana staple of elegance and comfort. Luckily, I was also able to ask Founder and CEO, Chiara a few questions for a candid interview you’ll love and that will inspire you. Keep reading the Rockies Rebels Western Boots review to learn more about this fearless brand to watch!

My Western Boots Expertise

Being from El Paso, TX, I’m something of a western boots expert! I donned my first pair in first grade, a pair I’ll never forget. They were white, had a tiny heel and a huge butterfly looking blow on the side. I wore them to the ground. I can still see them in my mind, clear as day, nearly 40 years later! Since then, I’ve had several pairs, possibly a dozen, that I love wearing with many different kinds of outfits. However, I have never had western boots quite like Rockies Rebels. The fit, comfort, packaging, design and quality are unmatched. Instead of buying the same pair of boots 3 or 4 times because they don’t last, I want to buy things once and keep them forever. Therefore, in the long run it’s better for my wallet, my closet and more importantly, the planet!

Rockie Rebels Western Boots Review

My Instagram explore page (good for something!), served me up an image of the beautiful Rockies Rebels boots on my feed. Since I was heading to New York Fashion Week, I knew they’d be the ultimate street style statement for the elevated western boots trend. Therefore, the next step was picking a pair, which was extremely difficult because I had never seen such original and beautiful designs. Although it wasn’t easy, I choose the Limestone Creek (nostalgic from my first pair of western boots) and also have my sights on Eagle Lake and George Lake (see below)

One of my favorite unboxings has been Rockies Rebels! I got the pair of boots and a beautiful orange fur bag that is abolutely exquisite as well. Upon unboxing, one of the first things I noticed is that there was no leather smell!!! I struggle with strong odors, therefore, it was a pleasant surprise to find that the beautiful boots were completely odorless. Keep reading to find out why!

In terms of the packaging, it felt so special and thoughtful with the RR seal, dust bags and beautiful tissue papers. This is a great gift for yourself or another luxury lover. I’m a boy mom, but even my boys were entranced with the Rockies Rebels goodies.

The beautiful short dandelion fur bag is soft and spacious. See here.
Unboxing Limestone Creek
Unboxing Short Dandelion Fur

In Her Words- Q & A with Rockies Rebels Founder/Ceo Chiara

I am endlessly fascinated by women entreprenuers/rebels/seekers, that create a life they they want and build something beautiful from experiences. In Chiara’s case she’s built a spirited luxury business, honing skills she crafted as a child alongside her mother in an Italian artisan workshop. Here’s what she shared with us!

1. When or at what moment did you realize you were a rebel?

I wish there was such a moment or that to be a rebel was as glamorous as it gets depicted.

I was 7 when I first wrote my dreams in an school assignment. “You will be a cowgirl?” sneered the teacher instigating derision in the classroom. Those dreams were too farfetched for the kids in that cute little town at the feet of the Dolomites. As a rebel, I had to learn to keep my dreams to myself, fueling them with the incredulity of others.

My violent father helped quite a bit; necessity is definitely the mother of ingenuity LOL.

I was 13 when I traveled by myself from Italy to the US as an au pair young girl. I didn’t speak a word of English and I was terrorized; I still remember the night I spent at JFK all by myself waiting for my morning flight. As a rebel, you are mostly alone.

I spent my teenage years as far as possible from home, working hard to pay for my therapy: competitive Super-G slalom. Flying downhill at breathless speed was my way to experience freedom. Rebels cherish and boost freedom.

When I was 20, I fell in love with a rebel that somehow perfectly complemented me, we got married the following year and I joined him on his endless business travel around the world. We lived for a few years in the US and my “freedom shot” at the time was  barrel racing and team penning in Arizona. Rebels recognize each other.

2. Despite all your travels and being from the most coveted idyllic country (Italy), what made you want to settle in the West? 

I was 30 with 3 beautiful kids, a loving husband, living in some of the most beautiful Italian cities, skying my beloved mountains. Life was beautiful but we were missing the freedom we experienced in America, the big sky, that liberating feeling unique to the wholehearted rugged West.

We left it all behind us, our friends and family naming us the crazies, and we moved to the US for good.

3. What is your creative process like?

I do not follow any formal process. My mind is continuously capturing inspirations. Either on an hectic hop in the city or a ride in the wilderness, I let the eyes and the soul absorb it all. I then stir the images and the emotions asking myself what would be the design that would best represent the moment and almost magically a design surprises me.

There is no rational or thought process. It is all about emotions, the emotions that I feel, the emotions that I want to transmit, the emotions I want my client to experience.

Of course, after the creative moment, I work very hard at making it happen, drafting, testing, surveying.

4. What the most underrated yet critical skill for a fashion designer? Is there a lesson from working with your mother that is with you every day?

To believe and enjoy what you do every day, creativeness is joyfullness.

Never lie to the customer. Be quality and detail oriented and never compromise with what are your expectations as a client. I always ask myself the question “would I buy this item?”.

5.  What advice would you give your younger rebel self? 

Set  goals for your life and work on it no matter what, believe in yourself, your qualities, your abilities and always help others.

6. What was inspiration for the name Rockies Rebels?

The love for the mountains “Rockies” are a mountain range. And, “Rebels”, I’m defiantly a rebel.

7. Now having gotten the beautiful boots, it’s the first pair I’ve had that doesn’t have an overwhelming leather scent (a good thing), why is that? 

It has to do with how we treat the leather, the beauty is natural and we don’t use chemicals to make it soft. For example, with “ Hèrmes”, you will never smell the leather scent.

Didn’t that interview make you want to follow your dreams?! It did for me! The elevated western boots trend is here to stay, this Rockies Rebels luxury pair is one that you’ll wear forever! And you can style it endless ways. For yet another way I styled the LimeStone Boots and Short Dandelion Bag for NYFW make sure to check this out. For more ways to style the Western Trend and your new Rockies Rebels boots, video check this out! XO, Z
