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My workout routine- with videos!

I co-founded MaZi Dance Fitness with my sister 9 years ago! We wanted to provide a workout that delivered results that we were accustomed to in ballet, was fun, but most importantly accessible for all bodies  (even with no dance experience!) I am so excited to be attending the Propel Co Labs Fitness Fest in Los Angeles next week and get to share our formats with a different part of the country! If you’re in the area, please check out this link and comment here for a free ticket!

I’ve never been stronger than with our MaZi workouts, even when I was a professional ballet dancer, I didn’t have as much strength and pliability. For me it’s not about how I look but how I feel, and as I get older I crave it so much as “me-time”. I don’t worry if I get off my schedule but I try not to have more than 2 days in a row with no workout, so if I miss Sunday & Monday, I know that Tuesday I better get back to it. If I don’t it affects everything, my mood, my digestion, my mental health! My workout schedule is as follows:

Sunday- OFF

Monday- Depends!

Tuesday- 2 classes I teach: Ballerina Fight Club & Ballerina Bum Bootcamp (a HIIT cardio class and strength)

Wednesday-I take 30 minutes of Ballerina Bum Bootcamp (a strength class) and teach a 50 minute cardio class (ZiCardio)

Thursday- I take my sister’s Ballerina Bum Body (strength & stretching) for 50 minutes!

Friday- OFF

Saturday- -I take 30 minutes of Ballerina Bum Bootcamp (a strength class) and teach a 50 minute cardio class (ZiCardio)

So you can see it’s a healthy combo of strength & cardio! A lot of times I see people falling into Cardio Queen status, and they never do strength. It’s much harder to get results with no strength work. Strength allows you to be even better at cardio, helps you have a say in how your body is shaped, and truly boosts metabolic activity by building lean muscle mass. More importantly, it helps you hang on to bone mass! Cardio feels good, and makes you feel as if you “worked harder” but the results from strength are more significant. I’m not saying to hang up your dancing shoes, just to ADD MORE STRENGTH!

To help you get started on some strength, here are some current faves from our MaZi Dance Fitness arsenal! We hope to see you in class, online or in LA! Would you like to see a full Ballerina Fight Club class online?  XO, Z

My current www.carbon38.com faves! Get 20% off your first $100 order with code: ZIBALEN50 😉






