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Boxed Tops for Education go digital

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Exclusive double Box Tops offer at Walmart!

Boxed Tops for Education have been around for a long time, even when I was in school! Ha! General Mills began this program back in 1996 in California and a couple of years later they began expanding it across the country. Dozens of other amazing brands have joined in and $868 Million of contributions later, Boxed Tops for Education have gone digital! During this Back To School season don’t miss double points for boxed tops at Walmart, more information below!

Boxed Tops app

Boxed Tops for Education Go Digital

This is great news for moms like myself that have a hard enough time going grocery shopping and packing a lunch! It’s now easier than ever to help out your community and it’s as easy as saving your receipt from your next trip to Walmart. You can download the free app, scan the receipt and in seconds the contribution is accounted for!

When you download the app, you can fill out an easy profile in seconds. Select your school in your zip code, and it will automatically be stored in your profile. When you come back to it after grocery shopping, you just need to scan the receipt. My kids fight to scan the receipt as there’s a very congratulatory effect that occurs when your contribution is captured!

What can a school get with Boxed Tops?

With schools’ budgets being cut right and left, there’s no better time to start contributing to your local school! Schools can get a variety of things that they need with the program:

  • Books and class room materials
  • Playground equipment
  • Computers and other technology
  • Fixtures and more!

Teachable Moments with Boxed Tops for Education

My kids are 3 & 5 at the moment. They haven’t really internalized gaps in supply & demand, scarcity or “giving back to their community”. However, they do understand the concepts of helping, friends and the love of their neighborhood/school community. It was wonderful to see their eyes light up when I told them that this scanning on the phone with the Boxed Tops for Education app was “helping” their “friends and their school”. It doesn’t hurt that many of their favorite foods are goods that are part of the program!

cinnamon toast crunch

Favorite products from Walmart on the Boxed Tops for Education App

I am so grateful that many of the products that participate in this program exist! Lysol Wipes? Cheerios? Yoplait GoGurt? These are total basics in this household and am so happy that it’s a win/win for us. Here are some of the basics we can’t live without! For this Back to School time period from now through September 19th, 2019, you can get double points exclusively at Walmart! Check out all the details here but basically you can even earn up to 5 in a multi-pack eligible product for your school!

I hope that if you haven’t started using Boxed Tops for Education yet, that you reconsider with this app! The app has an amazing feature that lists the different products that participate. You’ll be surprised at how many there are. So next time you grocery shop, make sure to scan that receipt!

Things to Note about the new app is that they are still working out online shopping receipts. So if your family gets their groceries online, you can’t scan the receipt just yet, but soon! Secondly, if you’re old school or still have some boxes that you want to turn in to your school, you still can! The box cut-outs are still being accepted. 🙂 Please let me know if you have questions, so excited for our schools! XO, Z
