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The Easiest Way To Start Journaling

The easiest way to start journaling is with the help of an awesome litle book! Benefits you can expect, and how to start here. With these tip and how to writing ideas, cozy add-ons and book you'll be all set to be inspired to begin your journaling journey!

Journaling seems to be everywhere lately, along with mental health awareness. The movement to make mental health acceptable, if not trendy, is really inspiring and U hope it only gets bigger. Although I’ve been wanting to journal for a long time, it feels daunting when you’re staring a blank page before your coffee! In some cases, it’s easier to start writing for an audience that’s not just yourself, amirite?! Here’s what I have found to be the easiest way to start journaling! But first!

What are the benefits of journaling?

The easiest way to start journaling is with the help of an awesome litle book! Benefits you can expect, and how to start here. With these tip and how to writing ideas, cozy add-ons and book you'll be all set to be inspired to begin your journaling journey!

In short, journaling helps you figure out your freakin feelings! Did you ever have a diary when you were younger? I always did but stopped because it kept getting discovered by my parents (mortifying). When I moved out later in life for school I started up again when I was having a hard time figuring out my 20’s. Back then it wasn’t trendy, I just liked seeing the progression of my feelings, many of them fleeting! Now we know that journaling can:

  1. Help set goals- writing down goals is proven to increase your chances of reaching your set goal by 42% per Inc.com! That’s huge!
  2. Release stress- have you ever written an angry email or text you didn’t send? Did it feel good to write it? You bet! The actual act of writing is even more cathartic than just typing it out.
  3. Allowing yourself to feel the feelings- when you’re writing about yourself you usually summon up the feelings that you’re carrying. Facing your feelings and not supressing is one of the heathiest things you can do so that they don’t manifest later on in unhealthy habits.
  4. Gives your creativity wings- creativity runs on self-expression. Allowing yourself to express what’s inside feeds your creative juices and you will find yourself continually having new ideas.
  5. Seeing and tracking progress- It’s awesome to look back and see a progression of how you’re processing life. Particularly when you jot down something you wanted to accomplish and you do!

The Power of Habit

The easiest way to start journaling is with the help of an awesome litle book! Benefits you can expect, and how to start here. With these tip and how to writing ideas, cozy add-ons and book you'll be all set to be inspired to begin your journaling journey!

By getting in the groove of creating your journaling habit, you’re also developing the habit of getting good at creating other positive habits. Everyone knows it takes a long time to develop a sustainable habit, it’s well over 60 days. Having journaling become a habit, is in of itself a great habit for strenthening other great habits you’re in the process of creating!

The Magic Book- 6-Minute Diary

The easiest way to start journaling is with the help of an awesome litle book! Benefits you can expect, and how to start here. With these tip and how to writing ideas, cozy add-ons and book you'll be all set to be inspired to begin your journaling journey!

If you can overlook my half unpolished nails, you’ll see I’m holding the secret for the easiest way to start journaling: the 6 Minute Diary. Do you have 6 minutes each day? Of course you do! Have you ever opened TikTok only to be sucked in for 106 minutes? This book was a journal I came across on Amazon! I love collecting agendas and blank journals and my sister makes so much fun of me. I have so many all over my house and in my bags that have a couple of pages filled out.

What was different about this one? For starters, it has daily prompts that literally will take you only 6 minutes a day for 6 months. I mean we have 6 minutes, but do we have much more than that? Nope. Along with the dedicated daily prompts it contains beautiful daily inspo quotes, impactful fables and research & studies about gratitude, habit building and manifestation! In short, it’s also a book about why you should be filling it out!

Just Journal!

The easiest way to start journaling is with the help of an awesome litle book! Benefits you can expect, and how to start here. With these tip and how to writing ideas, cozy add-ons and book you'll be all set to be inspired to begin your journaling journey!

Cozy items to nestle while you journal

From bed stands to cozy chairs to blankets, candles and more, make sure you have a little nook to look forward to as you being your jounaling journey!

I hope that even if you don’t get the 6-minute diary , the easiest way to start journaling, that you will pick up a pen and paper and start jotting down your thoughts. My 5 new year’s healthy resolutions here, my favorite CBD with discount code here and my mama’s best advice here. Finally, you can check out my entire Amazon recs here. Let me know if you have any questions! Love, Z
